Join Art Assets on a Walking Tour of NYC’s Lower Lower East Side Green Spaces. In honor of urban planner Jane Jacobs, Art Assets is leading a “Jane’s Walk” sponsored by the Municipal Arts Society…
Join Art Assets for a celebration of our latest art installation at 525 West 52nd Street NYC For the residential property 525 West 52nd Street, Art Assets created an art program that weaves the narrative…
Art Assets and LMAK Gallery cordially invite you to: Evocative Encounters: The (s)pace of scent A panel discussion about art, architecture, and scent Panelists: Olivia Bransbourg (ATTACHE-MOI), Carlos Huber (ARQUISTE), and Jorge Otero-Pailos (architect, artist…
Join Art Assets for Mátti Kovler’s hilarious and witty parody: The 15-minute opera “Drumf and the Rhinegold” At Turn Park Art Space in the Berkshires After a series of sold-out performances in NYC and Boston…
Join Art Assets for a Happening in the Berkshires Sunday May 14, 2017 Floating Tower, in collaboration with revolutionary director and stage designer Doug Fitch (New York Philharmonic’s Le Grand Macabre), presents The Turn Park…
Join Art Assets for Ami & Tami: An Immersive Musical Fable, at The Blue Building in New York City. Running May 7 – June 11. Fantastical forests! Evil witches! And an…Imf? A modern re-imagining of…